Google took the lead in announcing the over 200,000 employees will not be returning to their offices until July 21, 2021!

This is a huge step for a large company like this.  For the last 100+ years, businesses worked out of offices and even though there was a huge amount of technology for remote work, most companies insisted their employees get in their cars, get on buses or trains, and make the trudge to their offices.  Then, they sat in front of their computers all day and then headed home.

I have discussed this factor with executives with other companies and they were all were insistent that we needed to be in an office.

Then Covid-19 hit and all that changed.

It seems to me that reading accounts of the remote work, that productivity is still high and sometimes even higher when everyone was in the office.

Now, we will see what management thinks about the future.  Some members of management are still stuck in the old days.  These old-time thinkers believe that gathering in an office is the only way of getting things done

Covid-19 has changed so many things in our lives.  It has also hit the office and our workstyles.

This could be one of the few positive things that have come out of this pandemic.