What to do after the excitement of Christmas passes?

If you are an average employee, pre-Christmas was a very busy time getting ready for time off and wrapping up the last minute work items.

Then off to the mall or online store for buying gifts.

Boos to all you who got your Christmas present shopping done in September!  You are irritating to the rest of us!

Christmas Day has come and gone.  Now what?

Maybe your work is a little more relaxed between Christmas and New Year’s.

Boeing company this year has December 24 until January 2 off.  Almost the whole company is gone.

Why cannot your company do that?

Really, how much truly gets done during the last week of the month?

How many of the Ebenezer Scrooges don’t want you to have any time off?   Including Christmas and New Year’s day?  If you are in one of those companies, you may want to think about continued employment there.

Even if you have to work this week, take time to relax a bit and catch your breath before the new year starts.